Book Review: Wisdom Work Wealth

Jan Verhoeff
2 min readJul 23, 2020


Author: Kevin Cullis

Wisdom Work Wealth — Kevin Cullis
Seek answers for prosperity from the Bible!

Biblical purpose and reasoning for prosperity within the church? Of course, the teaching is found first in the Word of God. Biblical teaching based on business principles found directly in the leadership of Bible prophets, disciples, and especially through the words of Jesus.

It was no surprise to see God’s purpose for prosperity through entrepreneurship and a solid foundation of building your business on God’s word. What might surprise you is the number of instances inside the Bible where Jesus and others guide members of the church to not only start businesses, but to fellowship with others through their businesses, through professional leadership, and through the profound leadership of Jesus Christ himself.

I’m a believer. I know that God’s word offers great advice. Reading through the words and the various authors in this book, I was pleasantly inspired to seek greater guidance from Biblical truths.

Cullis brings together a variety of inspired authors to share their views and understanding of the verses in the Bible and their understanding of how business should work through the church.

Teaching the church to pull up their leaders and teach new leadership. His offering seeks leaders within the church to take a new grip over the opportunities and how they can be applied within the church.

Fellow contributors: David Bostrom, Beatrice Bruno, Steve Cruice, Rob Dubois, Jennifer Fontanilla, Jim Huntzinger, Wade Jensen, Scott LaPierre, Mark Mehling, Beverly Miller, Casper Stockham. Jamie Wyatt, and Jan Verhoeff.

Jesus went to Torah school and then was an apprentice who matured into a successful “general contractor” from age 12 to 30. So for about 18 years… He ran a very profitable business without sin!

Jesus used all 613 Commandments and His Father’s will to guide His business.

His 35+ parables — about 70% discuss handling various marketplace issues — reveal His 18 years of experience and maturity. We always talk about His three-year ministry, but little about His 18 years in His marketplace ministry. Let’s break this cycle of church ignorance and poverty.

This Biblical overview content examines God’s prosperity building sequence of wisdom, work, and wealth with a marketplace perspective — because God does not bless what His Word forbids. From Biblical roots, we share the successive steps of shoots to fruits to pursue our individual callings within His team and to prosper our home, church, and our “Jerusalem” communities for His kingdom.

James 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Ephesian 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Proverbs 8:21 To endow those who love me [wisdom] with wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.

4.5 Stars



Jan Verhoeff
Jan Verhoeff

Written by Jan Verhoeff

Verhoeff tells life stories, shares dreams, and puts powerful business solutions in writing. Her passion for words knows no limit. Find her at

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